
Disclaimer for consumerinfo.net

The conditions of this disclaimer ('Disclaimer') apply to this website (consumerinfo.net) of PCFS BV. These conditions are according to Dutch law since PCFS BV is an entity established under Dutch law.

By visiting this website and/or using the information provided on or via this website, you agree to the applicability of this Disclaimer and Dutch law.

By accessing and using this site, you agree to the following terms:

  • This site provides information to you as a user. Despite the constant care and attention we pay to the composition of this website, it is possible that the information published here is incomplete or incorrect. Any liability for any damage resulting from access to and use of the site is expressly waived by the consumerinfo.net.
  • consumerinfo.net derives the information about the customer services from the websites of the companies on which consumerinfo.net informs you. Errors in the data or other circumstances may also occur when copying data or due to technical malfunctions and other circumstances. You are responsible for the decision to contact customer service and the way in which you establish this contact. We cannot accept any liability for damages that have arisen as a result of that decision, even if the cause lies in misunderstandings about the information provided by consumerinfo.net, incorrect data or loss of data.
  • The information on this website is supplemented when necessary and any changes can be made at any time with immediate effect and without any notification. It is advisable to periodically check whether the information offered on or via this website, including the text of this Disclaimer, has been changed.
  • Links to other sites (including advertisers) and references to information sources are only included for the information of the user of this site. Consumerinfo.net does not accept any liability with respect to the content, offers or other matters mentioned on these sites or information sources.
  • consumerinfo.net does not warrant the continuous and error-free functioning of this site. Any liability for any damage resulting from access to and use of the site is expressly waived by consumerinfo.net.


consumerinfo.net, or the entitled party, retains all rights (including copyrights, domain names, trademark rights, patents and other intellectual property rights) with regard to all information offered on or via this website (including all texts, graphic material and logos). It is not permitted to copy, download or in any way publish, distribute or reproduce information on this website without the prior written consent of consumerinfo.net or the lawful permission of the owner. You may, however, print and/or download information on this website for your own personal use.

Applicable law

This site and disclaimer is governed by Dutch law.